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AI Framework

Responsible AI Framework

The Responsible AI Framework was published in 2020 and Artificial Intelligence continues to move at light speed.

The Framework provides an in-depth breakdown of the eight principles of Responsible AI including Ethical Purpose and Societal Benefit, Accountability, Transparency and Explainability, Fairness and Non-Discrimination, Safety and Reliability, Open Data and Fair Competition, Privacy and Intellectual Property. Access The Framework today.

Access the Responsible AI


A multi-disciplinary group of 54 technology law experts, researchers and industry representatives from 16 countries developed this detailed actionable framework and are seeking public comments to create an updated version. The book covers these principles in detail:


  • Grounding the responsible AI framework in the human-centric principle of “accountability” that makes organizations developing, deploying, or using AI systems accountable for harm caused by AI;
  • Promoting a context-sensitive framework for transparency and explainability;
  • Elaborating the notion of elegant failure, as well as revisiting the “tragic choices” dilemma;
  • Supporting open-data practices that help encourage AI innovation while ensuring reasonable and fair privacy, consent, and competitiveness; and
  • Encouraging responsible AI by design.